Quick Links
Please use the following Quick Links to stay in contact with the wonderful people who regularly come to Roselidden to teach, treat or run events.
Jos Hadfield http://www.roselidden.co.uk/events-at-roselidden/regular-classes-2/
Amanda Brown, Ground of Being http://www.groundofbeing.co.uk
Kate Burford http://www.facebook.com/kate.burford.79
Western Chan Fellowship http://www.westernchanfellowship.org
Mindfulness Cornwall http://mindfulnesscornwall.co.uk
End of the Road Cafe http://www.endoftheroadcafe.co.uk
DoTerra http://www.doterra.com
Wayne Robbins, The Meditation Trust http://www.meditationtrust.com
Ali Gunning, Resonant Being http://www.resonantbeing.net